Collection: JJF Grom Traction Pads

Everything you love from the JJF Pro Traction Pad, sized down for the groms.

The JJF Pro Grom Traction Pad is the highest performance grom pad around, featuring weight redution cutouts, grippy Eco-EVA & much more. 

Traction Designed by JJF.

I’ve spent most of my career building and evolving a pad that fits the idea I have in my mind.

I’ve built a few versions, and I’m confident this is the best pad yet. It checks all of the boxes for me. Lightweight, good feel & control, and the right fit.

We’ve built two versions, one for a round tail and one for a squash tail. For me, having the right fit of pad & board just makes a lot of sense.

Anytime I can build and improve equipment to this level, it gives me confidence in my surfing. 

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