VEIAVISION - A Global Surf Video Contest Hosted by John John Florence

VEIAVISION - A Global Surf Video Contest Hosted by John John Florence


John John Florence and VEIA Supplies are proud to announce VEIAVISION, a video contest open to surfers ages 12-18 worldwide.

Surfers can submit videos 30 seconds to 1 minute in length by uploading and pinning to the top of yours or a parents Instagram account and tagging @veiasupplies and including the hashtag #veiavision. 

All videos will be viewed and judged by John John Florence and other VEIA team riders, plus the Parallel Seas crew, Stab Magazine & more.

There will be one Mens and one Women's winner of VEIAVISION and each winner will earn $500, a one year VEIA sponsorship, and will have their video featured on

In addition, VEIA will be giving out other awards and prizes throughout the contest for various categories such as best edit, best trick and some other surprise highlights.

Submissions are open now through June 15th, 2023 and we will be highlighting your videos as we receive them. 

Let’s go! 

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